Friday, November 13, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 4: Third Quarter of Paper or Plastic

Paper or Plastic 

"The dramatic increases in plastic packaging, single-use disposable food containers, and shopping bags, collectively known as "white pollution," has prompted increasing numbers of Asian cities and national governments to impose bans on certain types of disposable packaging." - Paper or Plastic: Searching for Solutions to an Over-packaged World (Daniel Imhoff)

Chapters and Pages

I am now on to my second book for quarters 4 and 5. I covered pages 6-54, chapters: The Packaging Landscape and the Search for Solutions. 

Main Topics

Some main topics in the first chapter are: the package is the product and does packaging waste equal more food. In the package is the product,"the laws of modern retail design dictate that primary package must accurately reflect contents in order to achieve its ultimate goal-repeat the purchase (12)." In 2000, for every 100 pounds of goods or food waste thrown away by Americans, 65 pounds of packaging waste were also thrown out (20). The second chapter it talks about different companies that package more with less! I am sure we have all heard of Aveda and maybe have some of their products, which we know their products are mostly natural, well so is their packaging. They use post-consumer recycled (PCR) content for all packaging. It is hard for them to find companies that will support this option, but they think its a smart way to help the environment. Another company they talk about is Ben & Jerry's and I know we all love their ice cream!! At least I do! :) Ben & Jerry's developed a 100%, non-chlorine bleached, virgin wood, kraft paperboard container for their ice creams. This eco-friendly way has helped with adding chemicals and bad things into the packaging that could get into your food. 


Learned & New Terminology 

I learned that companies are producing more plastic packaging then products. Also, we are dumping are excess plastic in other countries that we don't think is important. That is not right, in my book it shows pictures of miles and miles of trash that we just dump in areas where people live. I can't believe we do this and we think it is acceptable. 

Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR)This is any material that was used by a consumer and then recycled for use in a new product

Packaging Chain

Raw Material--Processing--Design--Manufacture--Distribution--Use--Post-Consumption


This affects society because not only are we spending more money on plastic on consumers goods, but we are also dumping our waste in other countries! We should care because we are affecting other peoples area of living and the earth. Producing and wasting all the plastic is not eco-friendly. I think companies should all adopt a cleaner way to produce and use plastic and not dump it in other countries! I still can't believe this!  

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Share & Voice: Kinesis


Kinesis is a new way to get fit! You use resistance cables to push, pull and twist your way to a cardio/fat burning workout! I don't like to lift weights but needed to do some kind of strength training, and I love kinesis. 

Visit this website for full article on Kinesis: 

I am doing kinesis right now at UMD and its the best workout I have ever done, I have only had 6 sessions, but I have seen a difference in my body already. I am going to sign up for another 6 soon! 

Visit UMD website for more information:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6: Weekly Update


My goal is to use reusable bags every time I go to the grocery store or Target. I also added on buying one organic product from either place when I am shopping for food. This week I have done well, but I did slip today because I forgot to bring bag today and the item I got needed a bag.

Successes and Challenges

Challenges was not having my reusable bag with me to use, I really need to work on that! Successes is trying Silk Soy Milk! I have never tried it before and it was really good! 

Feeling Experienced

It felt good to try something new and liking it! I think more people should try different things because you never know if you might like. 


I learned trying new things will lead me to make others around me try new things. I also learned more about Silk Milk, I have their website above check it out! 

Next Week

I am going to stick to my plans as the following week with using a reusable bag and not forgetting it! As well as buying a new organic product! Which hopefully I will like and continue to buy! :)

 "Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6"  

Monday, November 9, 2009

Advocacy Project: My Political Representatives

President of the United States
Barack Obama
 The White House
 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
 Washington, DC 20500
 Comments? Call: 202-456-1111
 Switchboard: 202-456-1414


Jim Doyle
 Doyle for Wisconsin
 PO Box 2687
 Madison, WI 53701

 Phone: 608-255-2661

Wisconsin Congressman

Ron Kind
 Eau Claire
 131 S. Barstow St.
 Suite 301
 Eau Claire, WI 54701
 8:30am to 5pm
 PH: (715) 831-9214
 FX: (715) 831-9272

Wisconsin Senators

Russ Feingold (D) 
 The best way to contact is via contact form.
 Fax at (202) 224-2725
 Phone at (202) 224-5323.

Herbert H.Kohl (D) 
  Eau Claire Office

  402 Graham Ave., Suite 206

  Eau Claire WI 54701

  (715) 832-8424

  Fax: (715) 832-8492

Wisconsin State Legislators (senate & house)

President Fred Risser and President Pro Tempore Pat Kreitlow (wisconsin state legislator)
Madison: 266-9960
Toll Free: 1-800-362-9472

County Board President: District Three
Howard Ludwigson
 County Board
 5537 Bayview Drive

 Eau Claire, WI 54703


 Eau Claire doesn't have a Mayor or Village President. 

Since Eau Claire doesn't have a mayor, Eau Claire City council are elected at large to serve as a head council.,_wisconsin