Friday, November 6, 2009

Reflection Post: Week 7 & 8

Week 7 & 8

In week 7 we watched a documentary called Green by Laura Dunn. It was about Louisiana and towns located along the Mississippi and these areas are called cancer alleys.” Big corporations have plants along the Mississippi and they dump their waste and pollute the air and if effects the people that live there. They are developing cancers that are rare or never been heard also asthma and respiratory problems. The people who live in these areas don’t have the money to move to a better area to prevent these effects and the corporations are not willing to help. This documentary was really sad. It made me think how can the U.S. let people live in these dangerous areas and not help them.

We also learned about hazards in our make-up or products that we use on daily basis, it was really cool that there is a website for that!

In week 8 was my turn to bring snack, so Amanda and I brought almonds and raisins and it looked like they were a big hit! We also watched another documentary called Thirst.” It was about privatization of water in the U.S. and India. I remember in the beginning the video somebody said, “somebody is going to have to pay for water either now or future generations.” I thought that this was a good, point but at the same time I don’t think I would want to pay for water. I really like this video a lot because it showed both sides of the issue, and I never knew that this was a rising problem in the U.S. so I became more informed.

We also did a eye opener about junk and how to take junk and make it into something really cool and useful! 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update


         My SMART goal is to use reusable bags every time I go to the grocery store or Target.   I also added that every time I go to the grocery store I have to buy one organic product.  I did well this past week! I was going home and I was worried about not remember or forgetting to use a reusable bag, but I remembered and used them!


           Success was remembering my reusable bag when I went to Target and the grocery store. Also what helped my success was going to the mall, and not using a bag at all! It was a small item and I didn’t take a bag, because it wasn’t worth wasting an entire bag for something small! A challenge I faced is trying to find a decent priced organic product, I always go with a budget in mind, trying to stick with it is hard. I usually try different stores to find cheaper organic foods, so that helps a lot!


    It felt really good, when I was at the mall and didn’t take a bag, thinking why don’t other people do this? I understand if you have a lot, but then bring a reusable bag, but sometimes they give you these huge bags for like socks…haha.


           I learned that at some stores they ask if you want a bag, which makes me think they are trying to conserve them or not use them. It could be that plastic bags are getting more expensive to buy or they might care about helping the environment.


    I am going to stick to my same plans as the following week with using my reusable                              bags, and 1 organic product when I go grocery shopping. 

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy
"Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5" 

Share & Voice: Eat This Not That

Eat This Not That 

I remember hearing about this book on a TV program one day and thinking what is this? As I found out more information about this book, “Eat This Not That” it’s all about what we already eat but a healthier option to eat!

I have one of the editions that talks about going out to eat, going grocery shopping as well as what to eat when your sick or feeling fat and much more. It shows you what someone would probably pick that you think is “healthy” and then shows you an even healthier option!

It’s a great book to follow I love it! They also have one for kids, and the best or worst foods in America!

Here are some links on where to purchase and information:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Eye Opener: Junk on the Brain

Antiques/Antiquing: a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period and according to various customs laws at least 100 years ago
Junk/Junking: old iron, glass, paper, or other waste that may be used again in some form (2): secondhand, worn, or discarded articles (3): clutter 1b b: something of poor quality: trash c : something of little meaning, worth, or significance
Flea Market: a usually open-air market for secondhand articles and antiques
Thrift Shop: a shop that sells secondhand articles and especially clothes and is often run for charitable purposes
Up cycling: involves processing used materials into new products, or the re-use of a product with crippled functionality for alternative purposes, to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from land filling) by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production, with the intent of creating a product of higher quality design and artistic value.
Resale Shop: typically buy used items outright and resell them

 What do the terms above have to do with environmental health?
Its all about reusing items again, instead of throwing them away, Someone’s junk is another persons treasures! Reusing things help save our environment by not being wasteful!

Main Street Gallery
Hugh Passow
306 Main St.
Eau Claire Wi. 54701
715 832 2494
 We deal in fine antiques, art, prints, sculpture, china, glass, furniture and decorative arts.

Toy’s Scrap & Salvage Corp.
8010 Olson Drive
EC, WI 54703

Flea Markets
I couldn’t find any flea markets exactly in Eau Claire.

Thrift Shop
Hope Gospel Mission
 Location: 8 South Farwell St. Eau Claire, WI
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1127 Eau Claire, WI 54702
Phone: (715) 552-5566
Fax: (715) 552-5563

Up cycling
I couldn’t find any up cycling in Eau Claire either.
Snack wrappers get up cycled
Content provided by: Copyright © 2009,

Resale shop
Eau Claire #1067
2833 Mall Dr,
Eau Claire, WI   54701
Phone: (715) 835-8500
Hours: Mon - Sat 9-9, Sun 10-6

I use Savers once in a while when I am looking for furniture, and also hope gospel mission has really cool furniture for super cheap!

Get your junk on!
A few of my favorite things - from Oronoco with LOVE!!

Framed linoleum pieces with letters on them is super cute! I could do this for people and use the first letter of their names! Cute gift idea!
Simple Monday's - Take Two

This was a really cute idea with taking old margarita glasses in a vintage tote, placed fake rocks in them with flowers! I am always looking for ideas to make decorations that don’t cost a lot! I love this!
Pyrex Trays - Take One

Pyrex are food storage containers as well as cooking pans, and when they are old you can reuse them again! I am going to share this one with my Mom because she loves Pyrex and gets new ones every year. Now she doesn’t have to throw them away!