Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

My SMART Goal 
My SMART goal is to use a reusable bag every time I go to the grocery store or Target. I did well this week so far, because I haven’t needed to run anywhere to get anything. But I am going home this weekend and will be shopping, and I plan to keep a bag in my car, but hopefully I remember to use it!

Successes and Challenges 
Reminding myself that it is in my car and that I need to use it, also my boyfriend as started to use a reusable bag as well so that’s just another person to remind me! I am going to face a challenge when I go home and trying to not forget to use it on a quick errand. I am going to keep one in my car and tell my family they have to help me remember it! I am also going to make my family use reusable bags all weekend too!

Well if I do use my reusable bag this weekend and don’t slip I am going to feel accomplished! I always feel good when I know I can stick to my goal and also inform others!

I learned that being eco-friendly by just using a reusable bag is just a start of helping our environment. I am hoping at the end of my lifestyle change I will still do my SMART goal and maybe others.

Plans for next week
I am going to stick to my SMART goal and not slip up! I might make my goal more challenging. When I go to the grocery store and buy food, to buy one organic thing every time. It can be produce, dairy, or a dry god, but at least one time when I leave will be organic!

p.s. sorry for my blog not showing up before! I tried to use a template to make it look cool....it didn't work....

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4 Hosted By Amy @ Eco-Chic with Amy.
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4


  1. Hey hun, not sure what happened, but your post isn't showing up.. maybe you will have to go into edit and try re-posting? Hope this helps!

  2. Now I can see it! haha.. keep up the good work on your change!
