Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Share & Voice: Great Minnesota Beach Sweep 2009

I decided to volunteer for the Great Minnesota Beach Sweep, that was mentioned in class. My classmate Amanda and I decided to do it together. I learned more about where to volunteer at Great Lakes Aquarium. There were a couple of places I could volunteer at. I chose Chester Bowl because I live close to it and I go running in it, so it would mean a lot to clean up an area I use! When I arrived on Sunday, we were handed a big garbage bag, gloves, and a data collection sheet of what you found. I decided to walk the path that I usually run, surprisingly it wasn't as full of garbage as I thought. I did find a lot of cigarette butts, actual that was what I found the most and second were either gum wrappers or food wrappers. Since people get fines for littering, I think people should get fines for throwing their cigarette butts on the ground. I even notice when you pull up to a stop when you are driving and look in the grass next you and you could probably see/pick up at least 100 or more cigarette butts. Just think about if no one would liter a cigarette butt, and would pick up their own, our environment would be a lot cleaner and so would areas where we live. I know it is a small object but even the small things count.

I would like to help this organization again, because I think what they are doing is a very positive thing for our environment and every bit helps!! The best part of volunteering was getting a cool re-usable bag that I can use for groceries and other things! :)


  1. Great activity! I love that they use data collection sheets to track what they find. High-fives for you and Amanda!!

  2. I still can't believe how many cigarette butts we found on Sunday! Hopefully people will start to clean up after themselves now.

  3. I commend you for taking part in this! I agree, it is VERY gross how many cig butts are thrown out into the breeze, something needs to be done!

  4. This is great!! I wish I was in town then so I could have been involved. If you know of any other trash pick up, please let me know!!
