We read articles for class on advocacy. In class we did an activity, we got into groups and we each had one of the topics we had Advocacy 101: Getting Started in Health Education Advocacy. Some groups did skits, and our group did a presentation. I learned a lot and it was fun getting involved with teaching for the day. We also did a advocacy project about our political representatives, I found out a lot of new information, like my hometown not having a mayor. We also did eco-chic week 6 and my new read n seed on my second book, paper or plastic!
Week 10
We watched a documentary called Unnatural Causes, in sickness and in health. I loved this movie it was very informational. It talks about in any state there are areas of different life-spans and overall health. It talked about how the U.S. is 30th on the list of best places of health care, and we are supposed to be the richest country yet, so many people don't have health care. People who have more education live longer, or people who live in wealthier neighborhoods, you live longer then in the worst. The people in the worst neighborhoods, don't work and live off of what they can and the state, and are afraid to get jobs because then they will lose the little healthy care they are getting. It is a sticky situation. We also did hthly people advocacy project, I picked cancer and we also did eco-chic-week-7.