Week 7 & 8
In week 7 we watched a documentary called “Green” by Laura Dunn. It was about Louisiana and towns located along the Mississippi and these areas are called “cancer alleys.” Big corporations have plants along the Mississippi and they dump their waste and pollute the air and if effects the people that live there. They are developing cancers that are rare or never been heard also asthma and respiratory problems. The people who live in these areas don’t have the money to move to a better area to prevent these effects and the corporations are not willing to help. This documentary was really sad. It made me think how can the U.S. let people live in these dangerous areas and not help them.
We also learned about hazards in our make-up or products that we use on daily basis, it was really cool that there is a website for that!
In week 8 was my turn to bring snack, so Amanda and I brought almonds and raisins and it looked like they were a big hit! We also watched another documentary called “Thirst.” It was about privatization of water in the U.S. and India. I remember in the beginning the video somebody said, “somebody is going to have to pay for water either now or future generations.” I thought that this was a good, point but at the same time I don’t think I would want to pay for water. I really like this video a lot because it showed both sides of the issue, and I never knew that this was a rising problem in the U.S. so I became more informed.
We also did a eye opener about junk and how to take junk and make it into something really cool and useful!