Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 13 & 14 and Overall Course

Week 13

This week we got to leave the classroom and visit GOODWILL! Going to goodwill was an awesome experience. We got to see how things worked from when someone brings in donations to finalizing what goes out on the floor to sell. My favorite part of the field trip would be that Goodwill employs people with special needs. They help each person get into a job area that fits them best. They work on time management, and overall being ready for work! This is an amazing opportunity for them to be able to work, earn money, learn things they may not of had an opportunity for!

Week 14

This was our last week of class. I really wish Sue Whitney could of came to talk to us about junking, because I think what she does is really cool! But, we had fun going over our junking projects! Everyone had awesome projects, they were very creative and things that will be useful too! :) I am sad that it was our last class, I wish we had it next semester too! Also Carrie and Ashley brought us an awesome last treat of chocolate covered strawberries and puppy chow, it was delicious! 

Junking Project!

Overall Course Reflection

This was my favorite course that I have ever taken in college. It is because of what I learned, they are things that I can use in my life and our also life changing. This course opened up my eyes to things that I had no idea was going on. The biggest eye openers were watching all the documentary's, they were life changing for me. I had no idea these things, were going on in the U.S. isn't this supposed to be the land of plenty and where everyone gets these amazing opportunities? It was shocking. 

I also loved the eco-chic lifestyle change! I think everyone could change one thing in their life to improve the environment! I am going to keep up with my lifestyle change and because of this class I am going to try to get others to change something in their lives as well. :)

Also. blogging...I love to blog now! I may continue on when I get a job to communicate with co-workers about events and things about health. I was unsure at first if I could get a hang of it, but it turned out to be fun! 

After this class, I am going to try and continue on to help improve our environment, making it better. Even if it is one small step, all the small steps together make a difference. I am going to miss this class and everyone in our class! Good Luck everyone with finals and if your graduating Congrats & Good Luck!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

Concepts relating to obesity in America learning activity 
Paige's E Health Blog

We read different articles and had to do a fill in the blank word guess! Very cool :)

1.)  Obesity can cause ________________ referred to as high blood pressure and can harm the arteries.

2.)  ______________ are highest at risk for obesity.

3.)  _____ percent of children in the US are considered obese.

4.)  Obesity is a _______   ________ treament.

5.)  Obese children's __________________ skills are greatly hindered, mainly due to the disease.

6.)  _________   ___________ is positively correlated with the risk of becoming obese.

7.)  Increased consumption of ____________ foods have assisted to rise the trend of obesity.

1. Hypertension
2. Native Hawaiians
3. 33%
4. Life Long
5. Social Skills
6. Economic Status
7. Highly processed foods

Very interesting activity, 33% is a huge number of children in the U.S. that are affected by obesity. 

Fluoride Around You
Ashley's Green Lily Pad

We read three different things, and looked at how fluoride is good for us, and what products it comes in. Then we had to look at our ever day things we use that have fluoride in. Also talk about what if we didn't have this product. 

This is an item that has fluoride in that I use every day. I know its not my own picture, my camera is broken, but I use the blue kind! My mom used to be a dental hygienist so I have always used fluoride! If I could not use this ever day, I would feel that my teeth would not be healthy and that I would have bad breath! Yikes! It would be horrible if there were bad chemicals in this, I feel there are a lot of things that we use now days that are not safe at all. It makes you now want to use things!

I also found from one of the websites that there is fluoride in wine! I love wine, and I never knew this! 

Water Science
Mediterranean Melissa 

When took a couple online questionnaires about our drinking water. I found that 

1087 (50%) drink from a faucet in MN just like me.
743 (57%) drink public water in MN also just like me. 

I also use Your own per capita use: 69.18 gallons per day!

That is a lot! 

Bath: 50 gallons
Shower: 2 gallons per minute
Teeth brushing: 1 gallon
Hands/face washing: 1 gallon
Face/leg shaving: 1 gallon
Dishwasher: 20 gallons/load
Dishwashing by hand: 5 gallons/load
Clothes washing (machine): : 10 gallons/load
Toilet flush: 3 gallons
Glasses of water drunk: 8 oz. per glass (1/16th of a gallon

This is where I use all my water doing each day..

There were more questions that I did, one that I thought was funny, was that 1100 (27%) plus me like the ocean in California! :) 

This activity opened up my eyes, on how much water usage everyone uses, also what kinds of water. Which ones are safer than others, and if that is where I live and if I am drinking it. 

I love all of these activities thanks for opening up my eyes to these very important issues and why we need to vote bills to improve them!! :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Advocacy Project: Relay for Life Learning Activity


My Advocacy project was about passing a bill for early detection for cancer month as well to rebuttal against the new health care plan for less and later check ups for cancer. The bill is for earlier detection for all cancers as well as dedicating and entire month to it. The new health care plan wanting to be opposed is for women to not get a mammogram for breast cancer until age 50, its at age 40 right now and to only get checked every two years compared to every year. Cancer is very serious and many of us probably have been affected by someone who has had cancer or maybe have dealt with it yourself. So to be positive I decided to do my activity about something to help cancer patients!! :) The activity is about Relay For Life!

Activity: Relay For Life

Visit this webpage:

1. Watch the video on relay for life on webpage
2. Read what is relay for life, why we relay and history 
3. After watching and reading, tell me know 3 things you learned. Also try to find out how and where you could get involved with one either here in duluth or back home 
4. Upload a picture of Relay for Life

I hope after this activity you all find something you didn't know before, and getting more involved with  organizations to fight cancer. :)

Share & Voice: Early Warning Signs of Global Warning

Global Warming: Early Warning Sings

FINGERPRINTS: direct reasons toward warmer global temperatures 

Heat waves and periods of unusual warmer weather
Ocean warming, sea levels rising and flooding 
Glaciers Melting
Arctic and Antarctic Warming

HARBINGERS: what will happen if global warming persist on without change to our environment

Spreading diseases
Earlier spring arrival 
Plant and animal range shifts and populations 
Coral reef bleaching
Downpours, heavy snowfall, and flooding
Droughts and fires

Information above from

Share & Voice: Save the RainForest


When I first started my blog, I talked about ways to helps save the rainforest, well I found this really awesome website with way how too. They are easy and they deal with things in our every day lives. 

At Home:

Recycle Everything
Take unwanted things and bring them to a charitable organization (goodwill or savers)
Don't just let water run
Turn your heat down and wear a sweater

In Your Yard:

Make a compost pile
Have bird-feeders and birdbaths
Use natural fertilizer 

On Vacation:

Turn down heat and turn off water heater
Don't litter
Watch our for wildlife

In Your Car:

Public Transport
Walk or ride a bike


Re-print on recycled paper
Have actual dish ware just not disposable 


Join a conservation organization
Volunteer and donate to organizations 

Visit this WEBSITE: for more awesome ideas to help save the rainforest! 

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Share & Voice: Target Going Green

I know we all shop at Target, and now they have a whole new line of eco-friendly products. They have reusable bags, dining, home decor, made our of recycled materials, furniture, bedding made out of bamboo. They even have all natural beauty products too! 

These are items we all use and we could start buying, to become more eco-friendly and GREEN :)

Check out this website to see all the new GREEN products.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 6: Final Review of "Trash Talk & Paper or Plastic"


I read two books, Trash Talk and Paper or Plastic. Trash Talk was about reusing items more than once and awesome ways to use them. For example dryer sheets, to save your money and the environment, you should only use half a dryer sheet at once and use the dryer sheet more than once. We could all do this! Paper or Plastic was about  using to much paper or plastic packaging, bags, etc. 

Three Most Significant Things

1. Both of these books about about helping the environment in eco-friendly ways. 

2. Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR)This is any material that was used by a consumer and then recycled for use in a new product. In Paper and Plastic, companies are turning to this, to help save the environment and it is also saves money. 

3. In Trash Talk is talks about energy waste, “to waste energy is no different than throwing your hard-earned money out with the trash (96).” Energy creates pollution and pollution destructs our wilderness. It also states that an average household spends “1,300-2,400 dollars annually on energy—44% of that being heating and cooling (96).” This is important because if we save our energy resources, we are not polluting the air, and it will also save us money. 

Why is it important? 

Both of these books, focus on ways to save the environment. They take things that you would throw away after one use and come up with ideas to use them again. This saves money by not having to buy something because you made it. It also keeps trash out of the landfill. The other comes up with new ways of packaging to use less materials, saving trees and also not filling up landfills with trash. 

Would I recommend these books?

I would definitely recommend these because they give and have ideas to help you be more eco-friendly. They are a little harder to read because they are not a chapter books, they are more informational. But, they still have really great ideas to help our environment, and they are easy things you could change in your life. :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10: Overall Project Reflection

SMART Goal(s):

My SMART goal for the semester was to use reusable bags every time I went to the grocery store or Target. I also added in half way thru to buy an organic product every time I went grocery shopping.

Successes and Challenges:

I had a success of using reusable bags every time and liking a lot of new organic products. :) I also tired to inform others of using reusable bags and how it can benefit the environment. Challenges I had was when I went home for the weekends and would go grocery shopping or to Target and not have my reusable bag on me. That was my area of weakness. 

Benefits, What I learned, and Behavior Change:

Benefits of using reusable bags is not having plastic bags that do get recycled sit in landfills for 1000 years trying to break down and deposit. It will help make less trash, less trash = cleaner environment! I learned that the world consumes 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags. That is a ridiculous amount of plastic bags! WOW...I also found that "One set of reusable bags has the potential to "save" over 20,000 plastic bags throughout one's lifetime (" My behavior change will stay with me after this class is over, every one should use reusable bags, every step counts! 

External Benefits:

I am only one person, but by using a reusable bag every time I went to the grocery store and Target, saved a lot of plastic bags. Every time I go, I used to have at least 4 plastic bags each trip. Now I only use one reusable maybe two, they are big and roomy :)

Continuing On:

This is something that I will continue. It is a simple life change that I made, and I can commit to doing it after this class is over too. I can also set an example for other college students that are still using plastic bags. 


I think that any life style change can always benefit you and even the environment. I think for people new years resolution, they should considered a lifestyle change. This will be something they can stick too until the following year. So if you are having a hard time thinking of a new years resolution, consider a lifestyle change. It is easy, and is a positive change! 

I used, for my resource for information listed above. 

 "Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10" 

Monday, December 7, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to Public Official

December 6, 2009

Senator Russ Feingold
United States Senate  
506 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-4904

Dear Mr. Russ Feingold,

I am in favor of the bill H.CON.RES.158, supporting for early detection month for breast cancer and all other forms of cancer as well.  The new health care program is saying women don't need a breast exam till age, 50 and only need an exam every two years. This is a huge change because The American Cancer Society say women should be start getting exams when they turn 40 and every year. If this bill does not pass lives will be lost due to not having early detection for cancer. 

Early detection, helps the number of cancer survivors and also with living cancer free years after. Without early detection people are going to be in the later stages of cancer, this means it will be harder to overcome and beat. I understand that this new health care program might cut health care cost, but what about trying to save lives from early detection. 

This new bill, will help people who may not have the money every year to get the medical check-ups they need. This will help lower the number of deaths from cancer by a significant amount. This impact of the new bill will help scientist with the funding to come one step closer to helping cancer patients. 

This change in early cancer detection will mean a lot to me, and others who have known someone who has had and battled, or lost their life to cancer. People who have been part of events to raise money for different cancers will also be affected by seeing a difference in cancer care. This will be a positive affect on all parties who are in-favor of the bill. 

The American Cancer Society predicts that for 2009 there will be 1,479,350 new cancer cases and 562,340 deaths in the United States. From 1991 to 2005 men overall cancer death rates have decreased 19.2% and women 11.4%. This means that there was a significant increase in cancer survivors due to early detection. 

As a resident of Wisconsin I know you support bills that will help people, and not harm them. I hope that this will be bill will also have your support too. Early detection is important step in preventing, treating, and overcoming cancer and I hope you vote Yes, for this bill to be passed for more awareness of early detection. 

I believe that continuing early detection, like  breast cancer and others will improve the quality of people lives and help health care providers. This bill impacts a lot of people in a positive way, and the outcome will be greater.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I hope that this will impact your decision to vote yes. 

Mallory Johnson

(contact info)

Sources I Used: not in actual letter

Friday, December 4, 2009

Share & Voice: 11 Ways to Go Green

I get the magazine women's health and sometimes they have really cool ideas about nutrition, health and a lot more. This time I came across 11 ways to go green and I thought it would be cool to share it with everyone! These are also really easy ways to go green, that we could do now! 

1. Turn it down: don't use as many lights and don't use the plastic bags

2. Replace the five most frequently used lights in your home with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs

3. Wash your clothes in cold water

4. Turn down your water heater to 120 degrees 

5. Lower your thermostat by 2 degrees 

6. Go vegetarian one day a week 

7. Use a clothes line or a drying rack 

8. Install a low-flow shower head 

9. Get rid of the dishpan, using a dishwasher cleans better and uses less water! 

10. Replace your appliances with Energy-Star approved products

11. Carpool once a week 

Visit this website for a more on going green @ Women's Health Magazine

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reflection Post: Week 11 & 12

Week 11

We got into groups to define different parts of environmental health that a 10 year old would be able to read and understand. Our group had environmental citizenship and we came up with: We all affect the environment and need to be responsible for our actions. Remembering we are part of the worlds community and helping out. We learned that breaking down parts in a the definition help people who don't have knowledge of the topic understand! We also watched a short video clip called "The Story Of Stuff" it shows how things are made and put on to our shelfs to buy then brought home and then waste. Americans have this cycle of work--watch--spend, we repeat this over and over which is resulting in twice as much trash then 50 years ago! Thats a lot! I also found that they are making products cheaper so they break faster and consumers buy more, not good. Another shocking thing is that breast milk is the most toxic! What?! We also looked at 5 different junk objects and come up with ideas in which ways we could use them. Some groups had some really cool ideas! Getting exciting for a junking project! 

Week 12

We learned about how to Blog Hop! I think it is a great idea where people can share there same ideas with others! We shared are photos essays on a Blog Hop, it was really cool to see what everyone came up with! Everyone had great ideas! We went over how to write a letter to an editor and a politician, I think it is pretty cool we are going to do these about are advocacy issues! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9: Weekly Update

SMART goal

I did well this past week on my SMART goal. My last post I talked about black friday and if I went that I would use a reusable bag. I didn't even have to use a bag at all! I shopped online! So my goal went well with not using a plastic or paper bag, and not even my reusable!

Successes and Challenges

I was success full with completing my reusable bag goal. My challenge was my goal on buying one organic food product. I went grocery shopping before I came back to school, and I forgot to purchase a organic product.

Feelings Experienced

I experienced a good feeling not having to go out for black friday and fight the crowd. Also, being able to continue to reach my SMART goal.

What I Learned

Even though I didn't use my reusable bag because I shopped online, I forgot about all the packaging my camera that I bought is going to use. Cardboard, plastic, maybe bubble wrap, and where is that going to go? Probably in the garbage, adding to our waste.


Next Week

I plan on continue my SMART goal with using a reusable bag, I don't know if I will continue buying one organic product because I am going to try and make my groceries last till Christmas break!

 "Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9" 

Monday, November 30, 2009

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

I had a hard time thinking of something to do for my photo essay. As I was thinking of ideas, and was looking around my house back home and noticed junk my mom turned into decorations. 

The pictures to the left is an old picture frame that my mom found, that used to be junk sitting in our garage. The next picture is of decorative fruit, and last is the two put together to make a decoration for the wall! Junk turned into art for our house. 

The two pictures to the left are of an old tile block we used to build a shower in our house that was left over. Instead of throwing it away my used to as decoration for the holidays! She also puts lights around them too! More junk to good use!  

The pictures to the left is an old plate that never got used by my mom, because she was worried about it breaking. So she found so left over ribbon and tide it onto the plate to make another decoration for our kitchen! Very cool! 

All of these ideas are environmentally friendly because it is taking things that would of been thrown away as junk, or not used and are not awesome decorations for our house! Way to go mom! :) (my mom said I could use our house/decorations for photos)

MckLinky Blog Hop

Friday, November 27, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 5: Fourth quarter of "Paper or Plastic"

Chapters and Pages

I finished chapter two, which are pages 57-118 (which was the second half of the book, it was short) 

Main Topics

Natural Systems Designs are all designs of going green, from eco-friendly building to carry reusable bags. It includes sound, solar, efficient, nature-inspired, conservation-based, safe, humane, cyclic. 

Also talked about forest and how they are the primary source of packaging. It is used for paper, container-board or corrugated box materials, boxboard, solid-wood packaging materials, molded pulp and wood shavings (85). 

What I learned & how it affects society  

I learned that using our resources is affecting us now, which is pushing us toward global warming.

Also at the end of the book, it shows multiple items on how to be eco-friendly. Like using reusable bags, PCR fleece which is made of post-consumer plastic containers. (PCR Fleece Website) 

Natural Systems Designs

It affects our society because if we use all of our resources then we are not going to have anything left, and how are we going to live with our resources? 

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8: Weekly Update


My smart goal is to use a reusable bag every time I go to the grocery store or Target, and to buy one organic product each time as well. It went well over this past week! Remembered my bags!

Success & Challenges

Successes I remembered to use my reusable bags and organic product, I bought organic bananas this time. They are really good, I think even better then the non-organic. Challenge is making sure that I bring my reusable bags for shopping on black friday! No matter where I go, or who I am with I need to make sure I use reusable bag and they do too! 

Feelings Experienced

Every time I buy an organic product, I really like them. They taste better, even though they are expensive its worth buying them. I think everyone should try organic products!! 

What I learned 

I learned that trying new things may lead to actually liking them! Also, after reading Eco-Chic with Amy about getting rid of junk, and I am going to help my mom this break to get rid of her junk! Thanks for the idea! 

Next Week 

I am going to stay with my SMART goal of using a reusable bag, and one organic product. Hope next week goals well too! 

 "Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8